A Family Service Since The Late 1890’S...

In the late 1890’s, C. D. Carson established his funeral home in Independence. His son George C. Carson worked with his father until 1934 when he began the George C. Carson and Sons funeral home.

In the 1950’s a new funeral home was built to house the original Carson Funeral Home. It was located at Winner Road at Fuller in Independence.

In 1966 a second Carson Funeral Home was added on Blue Ridge Boulevard to be especially convenient to families in the Southeast Kansas City, Raytown and Grandview areas. It was operated until October of 2000 when it was sold to Dwayne E. Harvey and became the Harvey Funeral Home.

The George C. Carson Funeral Home in Independence was purchased by the Speaks family in January of 2003 and continues to operate as the Carson-Speaks Midtown Chapel

This book is a culmination of many months of labor recording each funeral served by the Carson family from 1934 until the end of 2002.

In recording the records we have tried to be as accurate as possible. Some records were very hard to read and many were recorded in the many record books while the original copies had been destroyed. Any mistakes were certainly unintentional.

We hope you will enjoy researching these records as much as we have enjoyed recording them.

Chuck Townsend
Lee Ward
May 13, 2007

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