Professional Escorts, Inc

The following pictures are of some interest to those of us that are escorting...

TODAY IS:  Wednesday, March 12, 2025
05/09/2001 - KCPD Officer Craig Schultz, riding this motorcycle did not survive.  He allegedly was driving at a high rate of speed and hit a patch of unexpected slickness on I-29.
10/12/2001 - Repaving work began Thursday on a segment of Interstate 29 where a Kansas City police officer died in May after his motorcycle skidded on slick pavement.  About 3000 feet of pavement in the northbound and southbound lanes will be replaced on I-29 just north of Line Creek, near the Interstate 635 interchange.  "The work is expected to be completed today", said Beth Wright, assistant district engineer for the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Larry Young, seasoned veteran of 25 years riding a police motorcycle.  A respected Professional Escorts employee. Larry died March 5, 2004 after a tragic accident while escorting a procession northbound on I-435 at 23rd Street.
Found this fine example of ingenuity on  Shows that people do in fact have many diverse options. Regi Adams... with 9 years Military Police experience and many years in private security, Regi had 11 years experience with Professional Escorts when he was killed escorting a funeral in Leavenworth. A procession car driver stopped her car and signaled for an oncoming vehicle to turn left through the procession, without regard to the fact that Regi was present, or the fact that the procession had the right of way. The turning vehicle struck his motorcycle virtually head on, killing Regi.

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